

A dumb shep making dumb drawings and animations • DMs open • Mechanical Engineer• 24 • SFW but cuss like a sailor• he/him/shep straight• @KeplerComic

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Damn it....
I like having my breakfast with biscuits and gravity.

I keep telling Nick not to mess with the exotic mass driver.

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Ummmmm I think I’d bet on the one with the robot arm

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I suppose I have to make this....

Hi I'm Chez I make dumb art, tweet dumb shit, eat peanut butter, and drink Coke.

I am currently working on a comic series called Kepler which I hope will be completed within my lifetime.

DMs always open. Requests are open occasionally.

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That will never happen (plus if a leggy boi could actually pick up a 6'4", 290lb, robotic arm wielding GShep I would be more impressed then mad)

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