

SLOTS (OPEN - 2) | SFW Artist | Multifandom/OC | Nintendo/Indie Gamer | SITE: 🚫eNeftees/a! | No reproduction/reupload…

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:1354

Congrats on 1.5k! I'm Skeven and I'm a digital artist that most does fanart and some OC art. Here are some human art and my c/0mms if anyone is interested. 💖

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Here's some more Kirbos. 😊⭐️

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be trending, so have Dragon Fire and some characters as cute Kirbos. 💖⭐️

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Hi fellow as I am one too! I even made gijinkas. 💖

6 12

Thank you for this! Here are some of my work and my c0mms are open!

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Thank you for the artshare! I'm Skeven and here are some of my recent and favorite artworks!

3 10

Thank you for the artshare! I'm Skeven and I'm a digital artist that mostly does fanart and some OC art. Here are some of my recent art. 💖

3 7

Thank you for the artshare and tag! I'm Skeven and here are some of my cute artworks. 💖

2 5

Thank you so much for the artshare! I'm Sekven and I'm a digital artist that mostly does fanart and some OC art!

4 10

Thank you for the tag and arshare! I'm Skeven and here are some of my artworks! 💜

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