

29, UK,

フォロー数:613 フォロワー数:162

This was a hard pick buuuut!
FFX - Yuna
FFVII - Aerith
Chrono Trigger - Marle
Ar Tonelico 2 - Mir/Jacqli

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Finally got round to drawing her 🙊🖌️

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Heheh fo sure! So many references throughout the games, just look at Auron from ffx!!

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Our second White Mage Au Ra joins the ranks

(That awkward moment you spot a black dot after you thought you removed all the clumsy moments....but you are now too lazy to remove)

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Without revealing your age, post your favorite video game that came out the year you turned 12.

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Current WIP for my latest series of drawing...Cactuar boy is underway huehue...

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