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Im exhausting myself tweeting my art @ @shanedawson again, I’m sorry guys but I’m so determined! 😩💗 it makes my heart SO happy to draw you guys & art is all I want to do with my life. 🌍 Please see this! 🙏🏻 @Garrett_Watts @Ryland_Adams @mytoecold #myfavouritepeople #dreamon
🐷 🐷 🐷 Some of my fav Shane & friends drawings! 👻☺️🌯 I hope one day they get the chance to see 💗 @shanedawson @Garrett_Watts @mytoecold @Ryland_Adams #shaneandfriends #shanedawson #shanedawsonmerch #shyland #garrettwatts #drewmonson 🐷🐷🐷
WHO YA GONNA CALL? 👻 @Ryland_Adams @shanedawson @mytoecold @Garrett_Watts #spookyboys #shanedawson #myfavs
Hey spooky boys! 👻 pleaseee check out my drawing of you guys, it took ageesssss 😩👻 @Garrett_Watts @shanedawson @Ryland_Adams @mytoecold @TeresaYaw it really would mean the world to me! 💗🌍☺️ #spookyboys #3rdtimelucky #shanedawson #shyland
@shanedawson @_morganadams_ I got the thumbnail covered ;) hope you like it! 👻 (Morgan I will defo draw you into the next one! 💗😅) #spookyboys
SPOOKY BOYS: THE MOVIE. 👻 COMING SOON! hey I hope you like this guys, I worked so hard on it! 🎟🍿👻 @Garrett_Watts @mytoecold @shanedawson @Ryland_Adams #spookyboys #shanedawson #maybeoneday 🙏🏻
SHANE & FRIENDS PLUSHIES! ✨💗 now available to buy 😉💗 hehe! Had so much fun drawing this! Really hope you guys like it! @shanedawson @Garrett_Watts @mytoecold @Ryland_Adams #shanedawsonmerch #shanedawson #rylandadams #drewmonson #garrettwatts
It’s my goal to get @AmazingPhil & @danielhowell to finally see my art before 2018! Please RT! 💗🙏🏻💗 #danhowell #phillester #beentryingsolong
@Garrett_Watts & @shanedawson videos make my life 😫❤️ and so does drawing them! 🌟😜#EARTHTONES #shanedawson #garrettwatts