

SHIT POSTS AND COMPLAINING GALORE and some times art. They/them/their, 30 years old at time of this profile update

フォロー数:428 フォロワー数:103

Happy Halloween! Have a Mera

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once again I make characters for addison development. A pair of swatchlings working for Doz to make sure no shoplifting occurs. Ever.

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I want to make fellow deltarune chapter 2 of having friends. In return for accepting friendship and maybe chatting you get art of oc interactions featuring one of these dumb shits

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I keep making idiots and would love to make friends with others who have ocs cuz fun

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Yes, I made another addison. Yes, the star n is an important part of their name. No, they won’t help you beyond showing you how easy it is for them to fall the fuck asleep using their merch. Yes, they sell actual poison because fuck you.

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“Hey doc, ain’t I supposed to be out by now??”
“Lmao probably!”

Legit I made UD while thinking how Shady could have gotten specific upgrades to help at his horrible life choices job. And thus someone who manages updates/upgrades was made.

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press f1 for help/hinderence
basically thought: what if "f1 for help" was a general addison thing. Shady of course modified his to harm you instead and calls you an idiot for falling for it.

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A couple of, well, ads my Addisons Redd and Shady would use. Probably would look better as vectors but I’m too lazy to do pen adjusting all day |d

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