

Art & stuffs 🇨🇦 ♀☄️No repost. Plz Source.
Art/Whistle Stream when I can.
Feed my caffeine addiction

フォロー数:266 フォロワー数:1909

I wanted to take a break from drawing something I've been working on for a month and....
Uhm.... 😓...
Have a 80s shoujo anime Suisei.

14 47

aaaaaa~ !!! 😭✨
I'm so happy for Suichan I drew this in a hurry!
Although not sure what happened to my art style there...😅

58 203

Btw, Subaru was the one who associated each characters to hololive members😆
And please notice MesuSubardo.😂

1 8

I watched subaru play FF7 and I had to draw this!😂
I'm glad she's really enjoying the game~


69 246

CSP's timelapse feature is so satisfying to watch, but sometimes I find glimpses of past-self getting distracted or straight up losing sanity. 😂
(Context for the last screenshot :
There was fly buzzing around me for hours...💢)

0 14

I saw the full outfit concept and my hand slipped...
( 〃▽〃)ゞ Oops...

76 268

Gura : Can I use my belt?
Calli : I mean, your pants will fall down.
Gura : That's fine!! I'll take it! They're already halfway there!!
(I'm praying the crop doesn't make this awkward🤣)

17 64

I'm late, but I absolutely wanted to work on it until I was satisfied with the piece.😅
Btw, here's a transparent version~!
((P.S. I swear that's not blood. I was thinking of hitting a baseball sized paintball while drawing it. 👀💦))

4 14

Congratulation on 1 mil !!
Suichan's READYMADE was so cool I was inspired to draw this!! 😊

49 135


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