

A dummy that sometimes does art. I also stream on Twitch.

フォロー数:1776 フォロワー数:152

Hi, looking for more mutuals too!

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Hi, I'm Chris, I draw characters either from stuff I like or some O.C.s. Looking for art mutuals to draw their characters. I stream on twitch, mostly video games and sometimes art.

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Hi, I'm Chris and I draw characters sometimes

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Hi, I'm Chris and I do art sometimes, also looking for more artist mutuals to draw their O.C.s

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I do the arts, specifically character arts

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Here are my children: Luna and Riku, they look menacing but they're good kids

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Hi I'm Chris and I like to think I'm SFW, also I draw character designs sometimes.

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Hi I'm Chris and I can relate.

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Hi, I'm Chris and I do character designs sometimes

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Hi I'm Chris, and I'm trying to make some time to draw, looking for more mutuals to draw their O.C.s

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