ChrisRoberts618 - New Beginningsさんのプロフィール画像

ChrisRoberts618 - New Beginningsさんのイラストまとめ

What if you had the power to rewrite your own reality?

I love you :3

フォロー数:2570 フォロワー数:413

I saw your school valedictorian/salutatorian thing, congrats on that! This is me rooting for you doing the thing like the absolutely lifeless weeb I am

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Maddie is a precious gem who must be protected, and if I catch any of you talking bad about her on my Twitter dot com, I will have no problems throwing hands.

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Bit of a different tone from my usual works, since March 31st has been jokingly deemed the day that Mario dies, I figured I'd do a murder/thriller piece for the occasion.

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TW: Hate, racism

I reported this account. I encourage you all to do the same.

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Owa owa owa owa owa owa owa owa owa owa owa owa

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