

All things weird, beautiful, hideous and haunting. Author of Horror and Fantasy.…

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Alice's cat was Dinah, whom she remembered often during her adventures in Wonderland.

“Dinah’ll miss me very much tonight, I should think! I hope they’ll remember her saucer of milk at tea-time. Dinah my dear! I wish you were down here with me!"

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Prince Bertram the Bad by Arnold Lobel.

A nasty little prince hits a witch with a slingshot, and she turns him into a dragon. But later, when the witch is frozen in the snow, Bertram redeems himself with his fire breathing abilities.

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"Ah, distinctly I remember
it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember
wrought its ghost upon the floor. "
~ Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Raven'

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Lussi, a Germanic sorceress, is the dark counterpart of Saint Lucia. On the night of December 13 -- 'Lussi Night' -- she rides through the sky on Odin's Wild Hunt, with her band of elves and faeries, called 'Lussiferda'.

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According to the Norse sagas, humans and elves can interbreed and produce half-human, half-elfin children. These children often have the appearance of humans but possess extraordinary intuitive and magical powers.

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Not all werewolves were bad! The Wulvers, from the Shetland Islands of Scotland, were known to be kind. They spent their days fishing, never bothered anyone, and often left fish on the windowsills of poor families.

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Merlin the Wizard is based upon the real life Welsh bard Myrddin Wyllt ("Myrddin the Wild"). After witnessing the bloody Battle of Arfderydd, Myrddin went insane and fled to the forest. There he communicated with animals and received the gift of prophecy.

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In 'The Emperor's New Clothes' by Hans Christian Andersen, it is a child who states the truth about the Emperor being naked. No adult has the nerve to say it.

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"On Midsummer Eve, when the bonfires are lighted on every hill in honour of St. John, the fairies are at their gayest, and sometimes they steal away beautiful mortals to be their brides."
~ Fairy & Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888}

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"When the wind makes the straws and leaves whirl as it passes, that is the fairies, and the peasantry take off their hats and say, 'God bless them'”.
~Fairy & Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888)

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