

All things weird, beautiful, hideous and haunting. Author of Horror and Fantasy.…

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The Celtic warrior woman Scáthach lived on the Isle of Skye in a fortress. There she trained numerous Celtic heroes in the arts of pole vaulting, underwater fighting, and combat with a barbed harpoon called the gáe bolg, which she had invented herself.

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"The witch hung her caldron over the flames, to brew the draught. Then she pricked herself in the chest and let her black blood splash into the caldron. Steam swirled up, in ghastly shapes."
~HC Andersen, The Little Mermaid

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In Arthurian legend, the Lady of the Lake gave Sir Pelleas a magic necklace after he helped an old woman cross a river. The necklace was enchanted so that its wearer would be loved unconditionally by everyone he, or she, encountered.

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It is said that legendary Blues guitarist Robert Johnson once met the Devil at the crossroads of Highways 61 & 49, where he sold his soul in exchange for expert musical abilities. Johnson did not enjoy the bargain long, having died at the tender age of 27.

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Some Celtic legends claim that Aine, goddess of the sun, the moon, wealth, love, and summer, mated with human men to create the first race of fairies.

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According to Icelandic folklore, on night, seals change into humans, cows have the ability to speak, and elves come out to walk among men.

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“Tears were warm, and girls were beautiful, like dreams. I liked movie theaters, the darkness and intimacy, and I liked the deep, sad summer nights.”
― Haruki Murakami

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According to Hawaiian superstition, if you see an old woman sitting on the side of the road, you should offer her food and drink. The woman is likely to be the volcano goddess Pele, shape-shifted into the form of an elderly person.

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In ancient Egypt, it was considered bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. Since umbrellas protected against the sun, opening them indoors would offend the Sun God, who would find a way to show his wrath.

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Anne Boleyn was beheaded May 19, 1536. Her ghost is said to still haunt the Tower of London, and a guard once claimed he saw her ghost leading an elaborate procession of knights and ladies in the Royal Chapel.

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