

Fearless Night lead artist/animator · Magical Girl and Idol Enthusiast · Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/50628…


フォロー数:331 フォロワー数:8148

I was never a Sonic OC kid, but I WAS a "design 700 different upgrades and variations of Metal and Mecha Sonic" kid, so I absolutely love this feature in Superstars!

I just REALLY wish you could do more with these little guys than use them in Battle Mode...

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Wild Canyon and the "Pyramid" stages feature extremely similar textures to Sandopolis Act 2, obviously both inspired by real-world Egyptian motifs

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Like it still takes a lot of time and budget, but the tools are so accessible.

Even something like 3d roto-scoping can be done easily on the SUPER outdated machine I'm using.

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Looking through some of my old design sketches and... lol

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I'm also really pleased with the jump between poses here. I really love big stylish movements in animation, gives it more power!

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It's really funny looking at these. The character is a slim anime pretty-boy and I'm like... not LMAO

Like dang my legs have gotten thick from all the walking...

ChuuniOniika... Absolute Unit.

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