

Fearless Night lead artist/animator · Magical Girl and Idol Enthusiast · Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/50628…


フォロー数:332 フォロワー数:8245

I am very much looking forward to Lynette for no reason in particular.

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Something I was playing with for my own personal practice last year. There was more, but I've learned a bunch about composition and background rendering since then, so if I ever revisited this I'd end up redoing these completely.

Still, I like the general look of these.

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lrt; Tsubasa is no longer obscuring Maria's armpit lol...

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Bonus shout-outs to this knuckles, which was just really fun to finally draw him decked out with all his SA2 upgrades!

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Overall I'm probably most satisfied with my designs and animations, but in terms of recent illustrations I'm pretty happy with how these turned out! https://t.co/5DYewHBEV2

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still can't believe this is a real image from a real video game

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