

part-time artist, full time capoeirista, and okay human being.

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It’s the opening of I wish you all good health and good fortune!!

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on Twitter

Back in 2020 just as the world shut down, an absolute LEGEND of a rock star reached out to me. He invited me to join him on a journey that let me do something I always wanted to do with my art. All the way back to the days of..

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Day 7 - ending this week,I add one of my favorite rock artist as one of the designs as a tribute and to this man’s amazing music! THE PUMPKIN WARS FEATURING ! inks

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It’s been a minute hasn’t it! Hey all! Sorry for the lapse… still working things out, but I don’t want to miss out on another year of and along with it the annual Soooo, her we have day 2 and 3. If your looking for day 1. It’s not here. Sorry guys!

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So this is gonna be my LAST post for a while. Life is getting harder than normal and I need to take a step back. I need to refill the creative bank. is right around the corner here is a Enjoy!

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Hey all! I think I have a story to tell, and title! if you’re see this, would you read a comic book story about Comment and let me know!

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