

part-time artist, full time capoeirista, and okay human being.

フォロー数:290 フォロワー数:342

There is a learning curve here. This is the first time I’ve ever painted in this style, or even something this glamorous, I also feel like took tooo long and a little over ambitious. Enjoy!

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Late night post. I meant to do this earlier but got caught up doing to revision work! Enjoy!

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Late night post. I meant to do this earlier but got caught up doing to revision work! Enjoy! # DCcomics

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Hey all! Here’s a quick one chosen by Jeremy! I call it FauxGD.

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I did this theme pinup with crossovers one from manga and one from American comics. See how you just did the Guyver, and your wolverine is on a god level, what would your version of this be like?

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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR REPRISING I drew this earlier this year... and so far I’ve gotten three of my predictions right! I just maybe a Jedi yet! Thanks again! So good!!!!

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Now back to our regularly scheduled posting.

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