

30/Hello Im Lundi! Illustrator⚡100% insanity 0% energy ×× Check out my Visual Novel wip @ViridisVision 🍃

フォロー数:501 フォロワー数:1746

He doesnt want praise, he doesnt want a thank you. Its shallow, its nothing special. He is nothing special, because HE SHOULDNT BE. HE SHOULD BE AN ORDINARY MAN WHO DOES ORDINARY THINGS BECAUSE ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO - TO BE GOOD TO OTHERS Mlynar my beloved

16 57

Working on some OC stuff again

4 16

Happy birthday favorite fried chicken Fiammetta ♥

5 19

Favorite Młynar doodles I did up to his banner announcement ♥

11 34

But can we talk about how the hands in Whislashs E2 is Mlynars right hand before his art was updated. Its even raining gold in her art. THIS MAN, everyones pillar.

6 14

Daily Mlynar Nearl until his banner is announced/released - number 27 - Schwinggggggggg 🌾🌾#Arknights

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