Dave Eves 🍸さんのプロフィール画像

Dave Eves 🍸さんのイラストまとめ

Filmmaker, film watcher, occasional podcast guest, and possibly a robot.

フォロー数:2011 フォロワー数:9976

Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (you know, the guy who made HAUSU) definitely had a style.

SCHOOL IN THE CROSSHAIRS (aka THE AIMED SCHOOL) (1981) dir. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi

12 42

RIP to the amazing Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, responsible for what may be the greatest scene in cinematic history.

HAUSU (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi

169 552

Holy crap… Criterion’s June lineup.

54 405

My favorite part of SOYLENT GREEN (1973) is that all the exterior shots have a weird green haze to them.

I assume because of a misunderstanding of what greenhouse gases are.

12 53

Ozu seems to have a very particular way of framing bicycles.

A Story of Floating Weeds (1934)
Late Spring (1949)

30 112

Fashion goals: Nosferatu pretending to be a normal dude

1745 6809

Just sayin’, Sergei Eisenstein probably would have made a baller Lord of the Rings movie.

IVAN THE TERRIBLE, PARTS I & II (1944 & 1958) dir. Sergei Eisenstein

21 83

I really can’t follow this franchise.

507 1124