


フォロー数:325 フォロワー数:3206
# hhoc

💫 "What do you mean, it's not Valentine's Day?"
//a old doodle ajhskajsks

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// It's the price of be part of the Cipher family 🤣🤣 💖💖
Happy birthday to the husbando🥺💖💖 !!! And goodmorning to youu ✨✨✨

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// Something simple but here is it ! NorQuis and her babu Evelyn <3
I just finish it before go to work ! aksdasdsas HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
The cake is for Evelyn and Nora (? They make other things for Marquis Papa (? hasudaskd

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[IdolAU] [HHOC]

I not done with the drama ok? Nora and Marquis dance in a party unfortunately for Bonnie She can't dance with Marquis In this point I will say Bonnie will talk with Nora and bitch Nora will have no mercy.

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I'm so happy you like her , still will change something's but THIS IS OUR SECOND BABY! 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ *whisper* draw please 🥺🥺💖

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// They are like pokemons for me or something.. I LOVE THEM! Evelyn and Emilia! NorQuis and NoRiel Childs! I have this idea that Nora in every universe has always daugthers as first sons.
Evelyn and Emilia are still in beta U_U

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// Second Child of Nora but is from a crackship NoraxMelo Erina Imperial.
Eleanora-Elizabeth-Erina .. Yes I have something with the E (?
I try to make her look like a "magical girl" but again I fail , cuz I try to make everything "easy to draw" She's smol <3

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// I was like "I'm not going to draw today" and them BOOM I remember Elizabeth the daughter of and Nora. haha Eli visit the past and say Hi , the thing is that she don't know if is the right time line or universe LOL

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[IdolAu Nora and Adriel]

Let them be frieeeendsss BESTOFRENDOS PLISSSS <3
NORA CAN BE BOTH , Adriel shut up and enjoy Trolls pl0x

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// a FAIL of a different style~ Buenas noches

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