

Oakland. NYC. CT.

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It’s no surprise that Smiless always smiled. His positive !vibes were so infectious that folks in Doogleton regularly visited the Lemonade Stand whenever they felt down. He welcomed the attention with a grin & never failed to turn a frown upside-down.

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To run a successful “lemonade” empire you need a great team. Now accepting applications..

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Even the wise ones make mistakes.. One questionable decision landed Sunter a 5 year bid at Dooglestown Penitentiary. But frequent visits from his nephews, Rainbow & Skully, allowed him to keep close watch over what was happening outside the cinderblock walls of his cell..

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If you try to cross pops or any members of the one chain gang it typically doesn’t end well. Thank you for rescuing this focker. Word on the street is he was going to be “exiled” from Dooglestown..

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Penny was of the eldest of the McDoogles. Unlike her brothers, Rainbow & Skully, everything she did was in accordance w/ regulations & her knack for bookkeeping gave her an edge in Dooglestown. Her only challenge was keeping her younger bros out of trouble. And it was a big one..

4 21

Most folks paid Uncle Chuck no mind. Half of Dooglestown thought he was crazy, the other half senile. But ser lolli pops saw Uncle Chuck’s paranoia as an asset. He somehow always knew when a situation just wasn’t right & when trouble was on its way..

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Bubbles just didn’t give a fock. He was one of the few residents of Dooglestown that continually went about his daily routine minding his own business. It wasn’t until another alien interrupted this routine that things could get ugly. And they often did..

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If Mayor was the mayor, then Indigo Moses was The Godfather.. There weren’t many OGs left in Dooglestown, so Indigo was somewhat of a legend. There had always been rumors that he had connections inside the Gutter, but this was something he, himself, would never confirm nor deny..

5 21

“Too cool for school” - that’s the motto Chido lived & breathed. It wasn’t b/c he wasn’t smart enough to attend class, it’s just that he had more important things to do. Both his older siblings worked for the Mayor, so it was fitting that he would follow in their footsteps..

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The only person standing in the way of the one chain gang was the Mayor of Dooglestown. He wasn’t really the mayor, but with ties to every business in town - what he says goes. And the last thing the Mayor was going to let happen was allow pops or the McDoogle bros change that.

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