

Artist, Illustrator, World-Builder, Role Player, Natural Science Enthusiast~ She/Her

フォロー数:215 フォロワー数:1035

Like, oh boy, the construction page is so messy lol

4 22

Going through my earliest tutorials, and I think I need to redo them now.

Which is good. Cause I've improved since I started. It's weird cause the problems make me cringe, but I'm also like ready to do a better job >:O

3 15

Breakdowns with a thoroughbred face~

8 45

Tired and grumpy with my ever-present familiar

0 2

Was making an attempt to organize my desktop and I found a sketch back from when they got the moorbounders.

I'd like to finish it some day, I still think the sketch is p cute.

Also if anyone was curious about what my ugly process looked like rofl

2 49

nother WIP from the equipment overview I'll get to finishing eventually.

Still gotta fix a few things but at the same time I don't really want to polish anything because that isn't the point.

1 6

I liked this one, so I threw the roughest color n water caustics on there.

6 35

late to tweetstorm which has been just the most inspiring thing, rly motivating me to get back to it and continue my education

california wildlife is my luvs, even the horsey ones that aren't supposed to be here

2 5

Long day, I was tired. Not every day of inktober is a winner lol

3 16