

my personal art journal + random junk occasionally

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the story of ciri's single braincell (thus far)

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I'm too lazy to renderrrrrrrrr

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testing something different 🤗

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drew a banner pic for myself 🤗

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•I’m gonna do half painted even if it kills me!
•I died
•Went for an adaptation of an old glassy style instead
•Tried to pull together everything I learned into a more concise style
•After 1000 years I learned to pick non-crazy lighting layouts

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Fae Harem (Jan 2022 - Mar 2022)
•I Left This For Last Cos I Have A Raging Elf Fetish

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•Realized I really like the half-painted look and tried to pull it off but wow that fell apart quickly
•Consistency sure flew out of the window fast, huh
•Getting some minimal degree of comfort with mood lighting took Effort
•The more I learn the more I realize I suck

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Alcazar (Sept - Oct 2021)
•Let’s Die Trying

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•Read books & articles about light but didn't know shit
•Multiply & highlights
•Screentone pretty & sparkly

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Demons (June 2021)
•I Really Need To Learn Lighting

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