


Check out my comic here! @ProjectHelios3

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Hey everyone! I'm going to be selling my first comic at at the Artist's Alley! Come stop by booth A1617 if you get the chance! 😉

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Ashamed of myself... almost forgot to post something for Well, it's 9/9 somewhere lol

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A more recent piece, I did this illustration a few months ago for a story my friend is working on. I don't have much experience with character design, so it was a fun challenge coming up with the appearance of these two designs!

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Here's an illustration I did of Rhyhorn in February 2020 for Pokemon Go community day! The plan was to do an illustration every month for each community day event, but of course they all got canceled around March for some reason...

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Here's a drawing of Piplup I did in January 2020 for Pokemon Go community day. I haven't played Pokemon in a while, but seeing everyone playing Legends makes me want to get a switch!

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