

Artist, he/him, queer ♥@notepaddle♥ ✨✌ PFP: @nargleflex

フォロー数:645 フォロワー数:18571

Commission for ! This is just the title screen without any menu stuff.

53 256

Drink lots of water during the heat y'all 💖

59 251

This is the flyer picture for Nordic Fuzzcon 16! Less compressed version in link:

11 71

Don't fight over money. Make the jump to tumblr for less compressed version:

18 87

Feeling SO GOOD about handing in an assignment!! Pic is exactly how I feel about it, like a happy civet

22 114

Oh look it's me irl, this is how I look rn exactly, I just want everyone to feel really sorry for me

1 27

Higher res and WIPs on tumblr: Commission for Shiranai I forgot to post here!

14 61

ideal werewolf bf face doodle

0 15

Doodles and a quick value study

0 14

Here are the three paintings I made for 2015! It was a pleasure and I'm glad they were well received.

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