

Québécoise, writer of platonic queer SFF (ISANDOR, BAKER THIEF), purveyor of aro & ace recs (@AroAceDB). Part of @KrakenColl, she/her

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Now let's just take a moment to have them all together shall we?

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Hi hello, I'm an aroace author with big thick fantasy books full of aspec characters and platonic bonds. Amidst all the politics and spells :D

I saw a review (yes I peeked!!) describe these as if Game of Thrones and Mr. Rogers had a baby and I laughed ✨

Link Below ~

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Overflowing Creativity and Learning New Skills -

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BAKER THIEF is a fantasy queerplatonic novel ~

🥐Bigender aro fat MC
🥐Biromantic demisexual asthmatic partner
🥐Thief/Law Enforcement pairing
🥐Secret Identity & Superpowers
🥐Sibling Love and Teamwork

Only $2.99 for

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11. J. Emery

Last but not least!! From portal fantasy hero returning to the world of her youth to disabled vampire hunters and so much more J. Emery's work is full of incredible characters, subtle hilarious lines, and just .. general goodness.

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9. D. N. Bryn

All of D. N. Bryn's book surprised me in a different, wonderful ways. These Treacherous Tides is such a cool and rich universe, Bryn's writing is precise and striking, and the cast is *always* The Best TM. Plethora of queer disabled dorks.

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3. Polenth Blake

I keep rec'ing WERECOCKROACH cause it's incredible, unique with a dry sense of humour and characters I adored instantly. But those qualities are also in SUNSTRUCK, a bigfoot buddy-cop type novel, and in most of RAINBOW LIGHTS' shorts!

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1. RoAnna Sylver

RoAnna writes incredibly emotional and rich SFF full of queer disabled characters, full of nuance about trauma and queerness and hope in the face of disaster. Every book is a warm hug. Every book is funny and touching.

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First time coming across the series? You can pick up book 1 and 2 right now! Isandor is a mosaic-style tale of political fantasy with a focus on platonic relationships and aro/ace characters

Book 1:

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🪲 WERECOCKROACH by Polenth Blake

- alien invasion (... or is it?)
- three flatmates try to escape/survive
- unique queer disabled rep, seriously
- the dry humour is so good
- everything about this is better than you'll expect

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