

Im Claire Porter🏳️‍🌈, freelance character concept artist. Some 18+ art, we also have a discord available through Patreon. linktr.ee/egoth?utm_sour

フォロー数:263 フォロワー数:2972

I thought it was time i gave my dnd character; Videl, a quick drawing WITHOUT that plague dr mask of hers.

4 19

Look i made "art" lol

6 131

Truth or dare? Dare you say? I dare you to commit tax fraud

1 16

Morning guys, wellness check! I havn't checked in on you guys in a while. How are you? Are you drinking lots of water? How about sleeping enough? Take care of yourself you lovely little shits, you only get one you to take care of.

0 18

Alright, im finally calling it done, i wanted to pixilate it a little but every time i did it obliterated the picture, but its done. It was a fun idea atleast, hope , and dont mind me using their likenesses. I main ASDA by the way.

21 187

Looks like its robot time, please take my most precious of beans; A.S.D.A. 1.2

0 8

Asda just out on a stroll on a lovely day, she is really getting use to "Normal Living" Plus, someone has to go shopping to keep the house running while Goth is stuck in some alternate reality somewhere. (https://t.co/li3VKAR4bY you can get it here if you want a copy)

4 12

Thank you guys so much for 1000, we finally broke a massive land mark, im so lucky for the people i met alomg the way<3 as promised, here are some pics, E-Goth vs The Artist. Sorry they are a little older pictures

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