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We Ride Titans#5, a climactic and happy ending! The two robots duke it out, but from that comes a better way for Titans to be used in the future. There's a nice ending with an endearing touch of awkwardness!

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Home Sick Pilots#15, an ending with no good or bad, but an optimistic hope about breaking destructive cycles. It’s a nice end to a totally wild series, and as always the colors are outstanding. It’s a gorgeous book to look at. This was a great series.

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Jenny Zero II#2, a bit of back story about Jenny’s father before the fight with the giant mascot continues! For a bit. You know how Jenny is. She’s a tough cookie, so combat might not be the way her new enemies go about taking her down.

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Home Sick Pilots#13, the final ghost is so dangerous she terrifies the others, but she’s calling to Rip to let her out. Time is running out, and she doesn’t want to go back to the Old James house. Especially not with Old James.
Man, this book is like nothing else!

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A Thing Called Truth#4, this is such a fun, light romance. The art is lovely too, Mag and Dorian’s designs are awesome and their friendship/blooming romance is fun to watch. I’m not interested in drag, but I learned about faux queens from this book too, which I think is lovely!

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Campisi The Dragon Incident#2, Sonny goes looking for the person the dragon is asking for, but after following the trail it turns out to be somebody… inconvenient. We get some back story for Sonny and for the dragon, too. Great again, and so well written.

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The Witcher Witches Lament#4, Geralt unravels what was really going on the entire time, and deals with a vengeful witch in a way that’s morally questionable. The series ends with Geralt pondering his guilt, or lack thereof.

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Beyond the Breach#2, this was great! What began as a practical effects horror movie introduces fantasy elements, and it seems that multiple words are collapsing on top on each other. A tortoise riding sorcerer rescues Vanessa and Dougie, but he has more than monsters on his tail.

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Project Patron#4, Mammon’s plan begins to go into motion, but the pilots of the patron come together to keep their secret the only way they can. Such a cool and unusual story!

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