

Disconcertingly lifelike.…

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Nothing but hits.

6 14

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into... This Week’s Links for !

Back once again with your weekly round up of the comics news, reviews, interviews, features, and more!

4 5

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even... This week’s links for !

Your weekly round up of comics news reviews, features, and holiday cheer, you filthy animals! 🐁

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I like the modern language context of this comic now being that Charlie Brown can’t deal with how rad he is and the pressure that affords. Linus stans a legend.

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Which week‘s links? This Week’s Links! Over at there’s a whole swathe of news, reviews, interviews, features, and -casts, handily summarised by yours truly and ready for consumption. Clickety click.

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A new edition of This Week's Links has emerged, glistening, at - this week I slowly lose my mind tracking Diamond and DC's shenanigans, and there's the usual news, reviews, interviews, podcasts, vodcasts, comics, and younger reader

5 15

Ralph Bakshi's Fire & Ice is on Amazon Prime at the moment. What odd artefacts his films are.

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Lunch-break - I think these are the books that probably had the most influence on my nascent tastes 🤔

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