

V-Tuber/YT content creator/Streamer/Comic creator

BG by @OnyxGarg

フォロー数:3893 フォロワー数:3761

Okay, no lie I would love a future crossover for Clay-Man/Demon Hunter Raven/Radiant Black/Inferno Girl Red.

The whole sentai superhero shibang.

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Gonna be a cheater and say this guy.

Though I won't say how old he REALLY is.

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Working currently on Clay-Man Issue

Got the cover and pages 1-3 done art-wise!

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If you ever wanna see my work gimme a holler!

I'm not an artist but I am working with some in terms of comic creation, I also do YT/Twitch stuff too!

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Rn now with my main comic Clay-Man I got the cover art and pages 1-3 done. Hoping to get pages 4-5 done art-wise despite my low budget.

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I got 2 free comics people can read here!

Also planning on getting my comic Clay-Man Issue a digital/physical release too in the future!

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Time to do another Q&A on my comic universe!

Got any questions for the like of Clay-Man/SINS/Pony Warriors/Dimensional Warriors?

Just ask away here!

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