

Hey I'm Clay! A bean/hero type V-Tuber!

フォロー数:3867 フォロワー数:3810

Indie comics rule, you just gotta look hard enough. xD

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Was busy today but here you go guys, for the public viewing, my DW Chibi Adventures logo!

Comes in both color AND B&W!

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F'real guys, when I make Pony Warriors I'mma do the opposite on the NJ slander.

While the guys do live in their respective states, they've practically made NJ a 2nd home for themselves.

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Marvel is still cowardly for STILL not making an animated Slapstick show.

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Saw doing it so ask me any lore related questions regarding Clay/Gus/Stables respective places/worlds in my comic universe.

Futorica Wisconsin

Supernatural based NYC

And alien infested Beachtown NJ

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