

Developer of the RPG Roan, game designer, 3DS Max Veteran, Blender User, Game Dev Consultant, cartoon and anime fan

フォロー数:267 フォロワー数:446

Happy Easter to you all from the Lazy Company Crew! Art by the ever wonderful

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Tradition, he loves the Ramen! Course Jade nabs it every time.

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I commissioned to work on re-concepting my old OLD character Night, as well as make a traditional Noodle pic which he did an amazing job on both! 🤘🤘 Now I need to get Jade, her Precinct, and the rest of the FATEs done as a start!

5 17

A Merry Christmas with a special from there is Engel burse automaton, Tinker the company Daughter, Sarge, and Lt. Lotus all from

4 20

Be sure to hop in folks, not just for art, but for great art theory and life discussions! And drinks! what is the solution 0f the day?

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Be good to meet, chow on meat, and enjoy a pint again! You take care and a Happy Bday to ya!

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Wild Geese Freelancer owner in (for tax and employee payroll reasons only) goof mechanic and pilot. Tends to use concussive maintenance on everything!

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