

profile pic + header drawn by me
Java and Bedrock gamertag: Keira4614
All Pronouns
shh you don't know me.

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:95

Shall rule over twitter soon..

0 7

I haven't made fanart for a while, Badboyhalo the muffin man seemed to be the best option to start :D
Btw muffin song was literally the best stuck in my head for months still

23 139

Will this suffice? Feel like I could've done more for just an hour 😫 (SARCASM)

2 53

And to the next weekly profile picture drawing They are pretty cool and I like the simplicity of their Profile picture. Go follow them!!

1 18

To the next weekly profile pic follower drawing (I've done like 3 this week lmao)
To very happy to know them as an online friend a very great artist and deserves more followers so go follow them :)

6 37

Lizzie only the finest eat at Taco Bell

2 41

The next weekly drawing issss
To my best friend of all time here is a drawing of your newer profile pic :) love you lots

1 5

Gotta go to school and learn more medical stuff may not have service but I'll look at whatever there is

0 6

Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for the drawing I hope you have a very good Christmas!!

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