

I 🧡 #Halloween, #Horror and all things that go Bump in the Night. My Insta is @clubhaunt and I’m on Facebook.

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:791

A few years back, Universal Studios tried to reboot the Universal Monster (Dark) Universe. It was cancelled but the Alex Ross art lives on.

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A few years back, Universal Studios tried to reboot the Universal Monster (Dark) Universe. It was cancelled but the Alex Ross art lives on.

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Monsters always stick together. Art by Shannon Finch aka Shannanigan.

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Ada, an elemental, is a being from Filipino mythology that tended to be malevolent to humans. ‘Ada, Nature’s Malice’ by Brian Valenza via

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'Terror In The Cemetery' by Esteban Moroto.

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You know what they say. "You just can't keep a Good Guy down." -Chucky ‘Child’s Play 3’ by

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Baba Yaga, in Slavic folklore, is an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims, usually children. A guardian of the fountains of the water of life, she lives with two or three sisters in a forest hut that spins continually on birds’ legs.

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Some day my prince will come. Art by Kamil Jadczak.

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