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@DannyJi777 @alwaystirednfts Monumental sweep ser! Hope you are feel better soon. #TiredAF #Sleepyhead
Blue collar building a bag of @alwaystirednfts over here! Art is crazy good @Sleepy_Eyes_nft many thanks for this art! Community is 🔥🔥🔥 @sibu_nft BFE (big founder energy) leading the way. #SleepyHeads2023 I’m not #sleepy you are!
@alwaystirednfts hit my TL and I can stop minting these #TiredAF hopped in discord and got a amazing welcome. #2023vibin
@SbyN_420 @fatratmafia Just won this cool rat! LFG!! #FatRatMafia #pepehatesnfts
What a way to start the New Year! @PepeHatesNFTS thank you for the FRM this guys is styling with his aloha shirt an 🟦🟥glasses #pepehatesnfts 🙏🙏🙏
Just joined the @dobermangangnft with these sick pick ups! #DoGa #dawgz #NFTCommunity
It’s tech glasses Sunday little floor sweep to tidy up. @MoonrunnersNFT community is 🔥🔥🔥 Awooo #Moonrunners
Quack Fact @OkayDuckYC artist @Nonny_T giving a nod to Swiss Scientist Albert Hoffman with the #DucklingsODYC black Hoffman t-shirt. Hoffman is credited with discovering LSD, and April 19th is know as Bike Day to commemorate the day Hoffman dosed at work and rode his bike home.
Someone said @OkayDuckYC is going to moon🚀🚀 figured I’d need a few of these guys to get there. #ODYC #NFTCommunity #nftart #Quacklife #QUACKattack