

フォロー数:1626 フォロワー数:1892

Monumental sweep ser! Hope you are feel better soon.

7 13

Blue collar building a bag of over here! Art is crazy good many thanks for this art! Community is 🔥🔥🔥 BFE (big founder energy) leading the way. I’m not you are!

22 27

hit my TL and I can stop minting these hopped in discord and got a amazing welcome.

27 31

What a way to start the New Year! thank you for the FRM this guys is styling with his aloha shirt an 🟦🟥glasses 🙏🙏🙏

6 13

It’s tech glasses Sunday little floor sweep to tidy up. community is 🔥🔥🔥 Awooo

26 49

Quack Fact artist giving a nod to Swiss Scientist Albert Hoffman with the black Hoffman t-shirt. Hoffman is credited with discovering LSD, and April 19th is know as Bike Day to commemorate the day Hoffman dosed at work and rode his bike home.

19 44

Someone said is going to moon🚀🚀 figured I’d need a few of these guys to get there.

6 29