

うさ耳好き | slowly learning how to 3d art and print | sometimes streams stuff at | header by @emon_0401

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there are still several things that need to be fixed up (especially on the other side), but the end feels near

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might go with something like this. I need to adjust a bunch and see how it feel with the jacket

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I did most of the jacket stuff during this stream! still a lot of detailing needed but it's starting to feel like it's already nearly done

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this is going to be much easier than my last thing

assuming i can figure out how the back of the hair is suppose to work

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I think I'm finally done with modeling the non-hair stuff. hopefully the hair wont take me super long

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got a first version of her poncho thing going. I tried to make one with marvelous designer at first but couldn't get it to behave how I wanted so I made it the normal way

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it feels like things are finally falling in place for my shana, but I still have a ways to go

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made using zbrush and blender

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