

Read John 13:34 & know I love ya'll

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In honor of and partnership for Jadu's upcoming mint let's show off our Fyat Lux hoverboards fam!!!

3 15

quite the trio, show me your Old Man BADDIES and how they stack up against mine 🔥

5 39

1⃣ of 1⃣ hair trait 🔥🔥🔥

Thank you

1 12

sweep and i'll make ya a custom banner for one of the ones you sweep ;-) know i'm good for it

4 24

adding another to my collection! last with Teddy Bear Accessory under .125 eth in collection.. thanks for the GIF

4 13

First Project ✅ Downloadable 3D models ✅ Snapchat filters ✅ VR avatars ✅ Storytelling/Lore ✅ Amazing art ✅ IRL events ✅ Doxxed team ✅ Mobile App to interact with Phygital ✅ More to come ✅

5 10

Every Great Collection should have its own antagonist! I just picked up this for a steal on even with gas prices where they are. is just too good to pass up right now

7 55