

Alt account for art/webcomics. Main @TobyDurr

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Magical Ma- what? What's an April? Shut up

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We're rocketing towards the end of the month. I'm still about a week behind though. Ho hum. Anyway, I was prompted to raw a sci-fi one so I'm just hoping nobody here remembers black rock shooter

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I managed a second today! The past two years I've included a mushroom girl, so I had to do one this year too.

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I don't think she signed up for this, guys. Probably better if she just goes home, takes a nap

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I'm trying to make her not blend into the chair so much. Maybe if it's grey that helps

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Showed the lineart for this one to a friend of mine and they said "I wouldn't mind her choking me" which is honestly one of the best compliments I've recieved on a drawing

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Just finished tidying up another one of my designs from last Magical Girl March. This is one of the ones where I reused a Coga Nito character (Alison Walker), and she was one of my characters as well. She's art-themed!

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It's Sunday, which means, as per the prophecy, you get a new page of The King's Head! As an extra treat, today we're looking at the (out-of-comic) backstory of Riley Reed, the Protag That Could Have Been

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We finally have a cover page, which I decided to put like seven pages in, for reasons!
Don't question my aaaaaaart

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I have this little circle-cross pattern that I put on my protagonists somewhere. It started on my first (old old) comic, I put it on Eric's chest in Coga Nito too, and Liz instead has it on her upper arm in The King's Head.

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