

FANART🎨 Chinese/English/a little Korean🎤 【🚫Do not use/repost without asking me🚫】

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:178

사과 떨어지_지마!!!

21 14

“I’m Kun bro~🤟”
“I’m Ten Ten~✊”

106 100

Let’s run!!!٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
🍊Cute orange Lucas🍊

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Ten used Chinese to order a cup of orange juice XDD (Draw the scene they’ve talked about in IQIYI’s interview😆

*I’ve translated the lines into English in case u can’t understand Chinese :)

8 14

I‘m late but… happy valentine’s day💚

226 129

「where is my 棒棒!!!」
Really impressed by this live🎥
Lucas is soooooo funny❤️

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