😎 Coldgeta ❄️さんのプロフィール画像

😎 Coldgeta ❄️さんのイラストまとめ

❄️ Coldest motherfuckr out there 😎

Not doing art anymore

I'm just here for shit and giggles

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:3258

I like this one 👁️👁️

2 14

I still got it stored in cloud, eventually I will get to redraw this 👀

3 15

Unfortunately that's no longer true

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I know I know, I been redrawing old art a lot lately, but trust me, it for the better good. I plan to redo all of my old art with new style (if it's possible, cuz some of my old art is so ugly I can just straight draw something new instead of messing with it).

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I don't think my style is that difficult to duplicate, try and see if you can 👁️👁️

3 15

I like how it's going so far, I have did the same thing some time ago except with ViA

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