Art & Heritage RGUさんのプロフィール画像

Art & Heritage RGUさんのイラストまとめ

The University Art & Heritage Collections exist to give students, staff and the wider community inspiration and enjoyment by preserving artefacts from RGU.…

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In 1933 Dorothy Johnstone moved to live in Aberdeen with her husband David MacBeth Sutherland when he was appointed Principal of Gray's School of Art. RGU Art and Heritage are fortunate enough to hold this 1919 drawing by Dorothy Johnstone in our collection.

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Compositional perfection from respected former Head of Painting and Gray's School of Art alumnus Alexander Fraser RSA. Respect.
One hundred percent adore the Cuckoo Coat

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Unmistakably sublime colour and drawing by Gray's School of Art alumnus Joe Fan RSA in the Aberdeen Art Gallery collection. ARMS FULL OF MEMORIES by the Aberdeen based artist offers memories and gifts us delight . Another of our

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New exhibition @ LearningCentre to see when you're oncampus for Fit for the Future Fayre onSaturday!

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