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Ok this is one of the few green shinies i actually love.
He looks like hes mint chocolate chip or a pistachio nut and its just so cute!
#pokemon #shinypokemon #mankey #shinymankey #pokedexchallenge
Can y'all tell that I really like fall colors? Cause I feel like I use em a lot lol
#pokemon #mankey #pokedexchallenge
Its a shame they got rid of the gradient on the legs and tip of its tail from gen 1.
I fell like it would've made the biggest difference in making its shiny amazing.
#pokemon #shinypokemon #persian #shinypersian #pokedexchallenge
I feel like shiny meowth doesn't get enough love.
Like I get it its not the flashiest shiny but I love that its little brown bits turn pink.
#pokemon #shinypokemon #meowth #shinymeowth #pokedexchallenge
Why does shiny parasect literally look shiny like someone just polished it and it now looks sparkly and new lol
#pokemon #shinypokemon #parasect #shinyparasect #pokedexchallenge
God parasect is such a creepy pokemon.
Like its not its fault but still big yikes.
#pokemon #parasect #pokedexchallenge
Not much of a change between this and the regular paras which is a shame really.
I'll take a lime green shiny over an unnoticeable one any day of the week.
#pokemon #shinypokemon #paras #shinyparas #pokedexchallenge
Not 100% happy with this one but it came out well enough I suppose.
#pokemon #paras #pokedexchallenge
I don't know if its just me but I think I'm liking green shinies more and more as time goes on.
Maybe its just cause they get so much hate that I feel bad for em and love em to make up for it.
Who knows.
#pokemon #shinypokemon #vileplume #shinyvileplume #pokedexchallenge