

{NSFW Warning}
Hi, I'm Colorizer, I like to paint colorless drawings just for fun, I hope we get along well
My Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/56420…

フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:4553

An Impish Trick Completely Colored, I clarify that there are 3 parts and the 3rd part was already painted, so I focused on painting only 2 parts, enjoy it.

9 71

Yes...Legs...A Beautiful Legs
[Art by ]

9 73

Oops, i forgot to upload this remake
[Art by ]

2 39

The female orc didn't have the same luck as the boy🍀🚫
[Art by ]

P:S: the red face/head is a reference to the series, as when a character is angry, the face/head turns red.

8 79



Thank you... Thank you God...
[Art by ]
[Colored by Me :)]

2 16



I bring you a body swap drawn by , between and Sam Switcher (oc of ), enjoy it.

31 141

After 2 days without uploading anything, here it is, a bodyswap between and drawn by , enjoy it.

13 64

I'll be quick, drawing by , bodyswap between Chip Wheatley (oc of ) and , enjoy.

6 53