

|| KING OF KART, CEO OF CARS 2 AND WORLD'S #1 EXCITEBIKE ARENA HATER || Autistic SFW artist that draws la creaturas and stupid ideas!

フォロー数:2205 フォロワー数:2786

Imma be honest, I really like how I draw Dry Bowser! He's such a fun character to draw once you get the hang of it, and the fact that he broke into my 17th new house this year and destroyed the 16 others the FBI loaned me to contain SCPs makes it even better!

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Who knew little ol' me was once an account PURELY made to post Mario Kart clips for the UK Tournaments, and 3 years later was to become the King of Kart and CEO of Cars 2? It's been a blast and I'm very thankful for all the support over the years! Cheers for 3 years, everyone!

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"Illustrators who trace Pokémon" Shush. Just because you're upset that your game franchise and eNeFTee market ended up exactly like your last date did, doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on actual artists. Anyway, check these apparent ""traced"" Pokémon shenanigans out:

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And the nominee for the most bizarre videogame villain death goes to:

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Oh, why not, I'll join in on the fun!

I'm Comeback, CEO of Cars 2, King of Kart, and I draw very stupid ideas that my crumbling mental state can muster!


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I wanted to update my PFP because why not lmao

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My side of an art trade with ! A request was made of Lucie giving Ness and Shy a quick hug, and that request was my command!

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Why are the Pokémon designers like this

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WOW, OK, this banged and has now become my most liked art tweet!

If you wanna see more dumb stuff, consider giving me a follow! I draw whatever my crumbling sanity can think of!

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I've made a detailed and extensive ref sheet for Fifi the Candy girl, with a simple and and non-shaded versions!

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