

Aquele Preguiçoso do Cometa

フォロー数:1310 フォロワー数:32844

also, if you need more references, if you still decide to draw my request, here more refs of chili!

0 2

fumet is a bad boy >:)

7 52

desenhei o igor daquele podcast lá n sei se voces já ouviram falar-

4 41

welcome to the underground how was the fall

10 78

yo manos e manas mandem perguntas pramimawajakwcnownfaksaw twittera mong us

4 56

Yo! wassup? i'm comet! and i draw some cartoony shit!❤️❤️❤️

1 26

also i was going to use this background for something, but i actually didnt do it

4 25