

Just a passing-through girl, remember that!

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:146

In the West, probably, but it's one of *the* superhero franchises that pretty much all of Japan knows of. It's the thing that gets references in a shit ton of anime

It's just not famous WORLDWIDE ofc, it's not Marvel stuff that were made in the West and thus are more accessible

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Pedophilia is only a term used to say attraction to actual, IRL children, not mere drawings. You throwing that accusation willy-nilly has ruined the word's weight of impact.

A drawing of a pipe is not a pipe. A drawing of money is not money. Platonic idealism is plain wrong.

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You can't use a book to provide evidence for it's own unevidenced ass.

Circular reasoning, try again

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Ah yes, the city of Tyre has never been built upon again (Ezekiel 26:1-21)

Ah yes, the country of Egypt is a "weak kingdom" (Ezekiel 29:1-15)

Ah yes, the Nile has been dried up (Ezekiel 30:12)

Ah yes, Israel is at peace with it's neighbors (28:24-26)

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Trying to prove the bible WITH the bible is circular reasoning.

Try again

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