Comic Pauseさんのプロフィール画像

Comic Pauseさんのイラストまとめ

Kick back, relax, and enjoy some comics.

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One of the biggest comics stories of 2020 was that would relaunch Milestone. Beginning 2/26, new digital-first titles will reintroduce Icon, Rocket, Static, and more, from creators like :

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Superman don’t shiv.

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At long last, we’re finally getting a new ongoing Robin series from . This April, Damian Wayne takes center stage in from and as he goes on a journey to join a mysterious fighting tournament.

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Whoa, weren’t kidding about huge news: Canto will have three new series over the next two years. CITY OF GIANTS with guest artist hits this April, followed by LIONHEARTED and A PLACE LIKE HOME.

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from is one of my favorite original properties from the last few years, so I’m on board for any adventures with Dragonfly, Dragonflyman, Stinger, and the rest of their crew. The sequel series Night & Day is coming 1/6/21 from and

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There’s a story in Tuesday’s The Last Stories of that proves should write all the and should draw all the .

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sounds interesting and exciting across the board, but it shouldn’t come as any surprise that I’m most looking forward to Mike Perkins, June Chung, and ’s Swamp Thing. Just... look at it.

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And some more great covers (shout out to weird fish-face Aquaman):

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I’m glad are digitally re-releasing books, because I have limited exposure to these characters but I’ve loved everything I’ve read. The first volume is available now, with more to follow soon:

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So and are writing Endless Winter event? Yes please, especially with covers as gorgeous as these from and :

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