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One thing I enjoy in comics (and TV and animation) is when one character recollects events in a way that makes themselves look great and everyone else silly.

(From The Joker Presents A Puzzlebox

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a Batman one-shot called Batman: This Ends Now, and it’s just an entire issue of all the different times Batman has said, “This ends now!”

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Paul Martin Smith appreciation post while I’m sitting here killing time before ordering delicious Indian food for dinner

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I put extra time and attention into the picks for this week's list, as this is my birthday weekend and all...some all-time great comics are on sale for wild prices!

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It's finally here - Best Comics of 2021 (So Far) - DC Comics. Had to take some time with this one while DC re-expanded its line, but here are some favorites within the line so far...

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me at more than a few parties in college

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I hope you all are having as much fun reading this series as I've been having editing 's Man Without Fear...By The Year continues with a look at the Dardevil comic in 1971, when things get a bit more absurd...also, Black Widow!

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For those of you who were out enjoying the holiday weekend, first of all, congrats on your great life. Second of all, here are the picks for Top Comics to Buy for June 2, in case you missed them...

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Working over the holiday weekend...Top Comics to Buy for June 2, 2021...I am mad about this but I think I have to give out our second perfect 10 of 2021. Right after giving out the first last week, dang.

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