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JLA One thing this run is doing so well is seeding the next arcs at the end of those that precede it, which is kind of a lost art now I think, with so much written for trade or (worse) written with no guarantee of extending past one story arc.

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Old Man Joker...with receding hairline and scarf to keep his neck from getting too cold.

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I’d say “Mood” but 2020 is over and now I’m trying to be more optimistic.

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JLA This is the first non-Howard Porter issue. I’m also consistently amazed at how simple and clean this run feels, while not getting boring at all. It’s like Justice League Comics 101, a foundation for the team for all times.

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Here it is: Best Comics of 2020, to The Top 5 will be up tomorrow...

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From yesterday: Wicked + Divine (as well as 's writing about it) kicked all kinds of all. All kinds.

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J’onn gets very Gandalf for a moment.

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Yeesh, feels like the majority of issues in this run so far have had someone hitting on Wonder Woman, which really dates it to the era.

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