James | Meta Comics (FREE PALESTINE)さんのプロフィール画像

James | Meta Comics (FREE PALESTINE)さんのイラストまとめ

I co-run a YouTube channel with @rumb1erumb1e that has literally no videos up yet lol (coming very soon tho dw) | Backup: @MetaComicsJames #FreePalestine

フォロー数:848 フォロワー数:5413

Using legacy characters in a cinematic universe has never worked in CBMs. Wally West fans need to accept that they HAVE to use Barry Allen, otherwise the general audience isn’t going to be able to get on board with it. You can’t start with legacy characters. Pics unrelated.

27 205

Ik he’s a generic fancast but after watching Walking Dead I’d be down af for Norman Reedus to play Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider

3 34



The DCU is just starting and it’s already about to clear the MCU’s LGBTQ rep that’s crazy

37 356

If Tim Drake needs a new mantle him becoming a modern Gray Ghost after meeting Simon Trent would go hard imo

96 787

If Hunter Zolomon comes back he should wear the CW mask but keep the Reverse Flash colors and his iconic lenses. Zoom is still Wally’s Reverse Flash.

3 38

I really don’t like seeing fancasts for the X-Men as grown adults. I like the dude from Top Gun Maverick but we’ve quite literally never seen the original X-Men in live action and I personally think that’s the direction they should go in, so I’d like to see a teenager in the role

8 29

Now Reading: Wally West’s tenure as The Flash

5 32

One of my big preferences when it comes to a good Hulk design is his head shape. He’s not just a buff green man, he has a very pronounced eyebrow ridge and preferably a Frankenstein shaped head. That has so much more personality than a regular green face that happens to be angry.

17 69

Friendly reminder with Green Arrow casting rumors going around that Dev Patel is still objectively the best choice for the role. Art by

4 27