

Indie company focused on comics, music, and game development. Discord -

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First glance at the main character for the new title by Erizabeth! Birdie and Storm!

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Erizabeth Rodriguez is back! For a long awaited new title coming soon!

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James PC's soundtrack will be uploaded on our Bandcamp!

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It's up and ready! Comix-Blade subscriber system 2.0 is live!

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Our game and first entry into Writers Summer 2017 is Green Aqualia!

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We announced these two projects last month! Be Prepared for them to be released next month!

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More news popping up! Android-Eka will be debuting as one of the main composers for Comixblade!#composers

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We will be updating the CB- Subscriber system in March 2017! There will be several changes coming to it!

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