

10+ Years as a Bartender
20+ Years as a DM/GM
40+ Years as a generally fun fella
Avatar art by @lycanstat Header art by @missalppy1

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I just used to create a representation of Lord Damon Fortroy, from the Tuesday Evening Remote Game (#TERG) of that I DM. He's the BBEG.

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One of my favorite baddies in the game I'm running. The Ash-Weeper. A Bodak with a taste for spreading death's influence far and wide.

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Well, my art commissions have started to roll in. The first (aside from my profile pic) is one of the primary villains of my 20 year old main campaign.

Forever an enemy of the light...the Bodak Ranger known by some as The Ash-Weeper, ends a high-priest of the Church of Pelor.

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