Tweets Of High Adventureさんのプロフィール画像

Tweets Of High Adventureさんのイラストまとめ

Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:984

You can not conquer me—if you hack me in pieces, the bits of flesh and bone will reunite and haunt you to your doom! I see the hand of Pelias in this, but I defy ye both! I am Tsotha, son of—"

Conan rushed, sword gleaming, eyes slits of wariness.

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The Scarlet Citadel
by Robert E. Howard
First published in Weird Tales, January 1933

Chapter 4
"The sword that slays the king cuts the cords of the empire."
—Aquilonian Proverb

THE STREETS OF TAMAR swarmed with howling mobs, shaking fists and rusty pikes.

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For one dazed insane instant Steve believed wildly that they were being attacked by re-embodied warriors of a vanished age; then the spiteful crack of a bullet past his ear and the acrid smell of powder told him that their foes were material enough.

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The Thing on the Roof by Robert E. Howard

First published in Weird Tales, February 1932

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The Shadow of the Vulture by Robert E. Howard — First published in The Magic Carpet Magazine, January 1934

Chapter 6

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Hawk of the Hills by Robert E. Howard — First published in Top-Notch magazine, June 1935


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Isle of Pirate’s Doom by Robert E. Howard — Written in 1928, it was never published in Howard's lifetime

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